Independent Review of the Value Added of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in the Countries Affected by El Niño
The review focused on the appropriateness, effectiveness and added value of CERF for the El Niño response. It also identified lessons for CERF’s role in supporting early action, particularly in slow onset emergencies, since the 2015-16 El Niño resulted in droughts in the countries to which CERF responded (except in Fiji). However, this should not preclude CERF from exploring its role in funding early action in rapid onset natural disasters and conflict-related crises.
Suggested Citation
Mowjee, T., Baker, J. & Poole, L. (2018). Independent review of the value added of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in the countries affected by El Niño. Central Emergency Fund (CERF), March.
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