Floods in Pakistan: Rethinking the humanitarian role
The scale of the flooding in Pakistan since June 2022 is immense, with impacts exceeding previous disasters such as the 2010 floods. An estimated 33 million people have been affected, with 7.9 million displaced, and an estimated US$30 billion in combined losses and damages. Large parts of Sindh and some areas in other provinces remain inundated. Pakistan’s government and civil society entities are struggling to mount a commensurately large-scale humanitarian response that can meet critical needs, with a fraction of the international humanitarian funding and operational support that was mobilised in 2010.
Evidence from interviews, available data, and a survey of affected people suggests that the international relief response to date has fallen well short of the need, raising fears for the prospects of recovery.
The report is available in Urdu here.
Suggested Citation
Harvey, P., Stoddard, A., Sida, L., Timmins, N., Munir Ahmed, S., Breckenridge, M.-J., & Jilliani, S. (2022). Floods in Pakistan: Rethinking the humanitarian role. Humanitarian Outcomes.
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