Formative Evaluation of UNICEF Work to Link Humanitarian and Development Programming
This formative evaluation is a forward-looking exercise, designed to provide insights and recommendations for practical improvements in UNICEF’s approach to the humanitarian, development, peace nexus (until now labelled by UNICEF as ‘linking humanitarian and development (LHD) programming). In addition to this primary purpose, it aims to document the progress of UNICEF’s work in this area to serve as a baseline to inform a global evaluation of UNICEF’s work on LHD programming that will take place during the period of the next Strategic Plan and contribute to UNICEF’s learning under the new and unprecedented circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The intended users are UNICEF management and staff, across the organization as well as the UNICEF Executive Board and other key partners.
Suggested Citation
UNICEF. 2021. Formative Evaluation of UNICEF Work to Link Humanitarian and Development Programming. UNICEF Evaluation Office, New York
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