
Secure Access

Over the past two decades, Humanitarian Outcomes researchers have led or contributed to seminal pieces of research on humanitarian operational security. This ongoing work is underpinned by the monitoring and statistical analysis of operational security indicators through the Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD) project. Our research includes measuring the impacts of insecurity on humanitarian access, approaches to risk management, programme criticality, remote management and the financing of security.

Performance, Reform and Financing

Humanitarian Outcomes research and consultations contribute to performance assessment of the international humanitarian system and its ongoing process of reform. Key products of this work have been the State of the Humanitarian System reports (2010, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022), authored by Humanitarian Outcomes partners and produced by ALNAP. Other studies include multiple evaluations of the Country-based Pooled Funds (formerly Common Humanitarian Funds) and reviews of the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), as well as reviews of donors’ financing and reporting requirements to support greater efficiencies in humanitarian partnerships.

Programmes and Practice

Humanitarian Outcomes programmatic expertise covers food security and livelihoods, resilience, protection, corruption and accountability as well as cash as a transfer mechanism. The team has substantial experience in leading major global, country and thematic evaluations.