Report an incident
To report an incident to the Aid Worker Security Database team, please download the Incident Reporting Form and email it back to with as much of the requested information as possible.
Before reporting an incident, please note our criteria of inclusion:
The AWSD includes major security incidents involving deliberate acts of violence affecting aid workers.
Major incidents are defined as killings, kidnappings, and attacks that result in serious injury (an injury that requires the aid worker to receive any type of medical attention).
Aid workers are defined as the employees and associated personnel of not-for-profit aid agencies (both national and international) that provide material and technical assistance in humanitarian relief contexts. This includes both emergency relief and multi-mandated (relief and development) organizations: NGOs, the International Movement of the Red Cross/Red Crescent, donor agencies and the UN agencies belonging to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Humanitarian Affairs (FAO, OCHA, UNDP, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN-Habitat, WFP and WHO) plus IOM and UNRWA. The aid worker definition includes various locally contracted staff (e.g., drivers, security guards, etc.), and does not include UN peacekeeping personnel, human rights workers, election monitors or purely political, religious, or advocacy organizations.