Event – State of Practice: The Evolution of Security Risk Management in the Humanitarian Space

Date21 Feb 2024
Time12:00 pm — 2:00 pm EST |5:00 pm—7:00 pm GMT
ProviderGISF & Humanitarian Outcomes
AddressGISF office in Washington,D.C. (Metro center). Exact venue location to be provided to confirmed participants after registration.
TypeIn-person, Virtual
Booking URLhttps://www.tfaforms.com/4719185?tfa_15=a04QB000000JggHYAS&tfa_18=State%20of%20Practice:%20The%20Evolution%20of%20SRM%20in%20the%20Humanitarian%20Space&tfa_19=&tfa_22=Tara%20Arthur 

Join GISF and Humanitarian Outcomes for the in-person launch of this new global report, assessing the current state of practice in humanitarian security risk management.

Participants will hear from one of the lead authors of this pivotal report documenting recent developments, challenges, gaps, and highlighting good practices. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and foster meaningful discussions around this critical topic.

A broad audience of humanitarian practitioners, policymakers, and humanitarian SRM professionals are welcome.

Networking and refreshments will follow.

Participants unable to attend in-person can register to attend virtually.

Please note that a similar event will also be taking place in Europe; details will be available soon.