Humanitarian Access SCORE Report: Yemen
An internationalised civil war has raged in one of the world’s poorest countries for over seven years, triggering economic collapse, widespread population displacement, and famine. All parties to the conflict in Yemen have violated international humanitarian law and the human rights of civilians, an estimated 20.7 million of whom (67% of the population) are in need of aid. Yemen is the world’s largest coordinated humanitarian response to date, but aid actors’ operations are hamstrung by political restrictions on their movements and in their ability to gather necessary information on which to base an effective aid response. Especially in the north, where authorities have blocked needs assessments and surveys and limited the ability of aid agencies to travel, the humanitarian sector is in the dark about whether aid is being provided effectively, if it is reaching the people who most need it, and the extent of diversion and manipulation that is taking place. The SCORE survey of affected people in Yemen, conducted in December 2021, suggests that humanitarians’ worries are justified.
This SCORE report presents findings from a survey of 426 people across Yemen (for a 5% margin of error and 95% confidence interval). The SCORE questionnaire was translated into Arabic and GeoPoll’s live operators conducted the mobile phone survey in December 2021. The respondent group was 48% men, 52% women, and the survey was geographically targeted so that 80% of respondents were based in northern governorates. Humanitarian Outcomes researchers also conducted interviews with 15 anonymous key informants among the humanitarian organisations working in Yemen, as well as donor government representatives.
Full survey results and additional information on the SCORE research methodology, including an interactive dashboard of response data, are available here.
Suggested Citation
Stoddard, A., Harvey, P., Czwarno, M., & Breckenridge, M.-J. (2022). Humanitarian Access SCORE Report: Yemen. Humanitarian Outcomes.