Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD)
The Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD) is a comprehensive global information source of major attacks against civilian aid operations.
Coverage, Operational Reach and Effectiveness (CORE)
Humanitarian Outcomes' programme on Coverage, Operational Reach, and Effectiveness (CORE) is a data-intensive study that probes the size and scope of global humanitarian response, with a particular focus on conflict-affected countries that pose challenges to humanitarian access.
Global Database of Humanitarian Organisations (GDHO)
GDHO is a global compendium of organisations that provide aid in humanitarian crises.
Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE)
The Secure Access in Volatile Environments (SAVE) programme studied how to deliver humanitarian aid in some of the most challenging conflict environments.
Humanitarian Rapid Research Initiative (HRRI)
Rapid reviews of emergent crises in partnership with the UK Humanitarian Innovation Hub (UKHIH)
Necessary Risks
New book by Abby Stoddard providing an in-depth analysis of the challenges to humanitarian action in warzones, the risk management and negotiation strategies that hold the most promise for aid organizations, and an ethical framework from which to tackle the problem.
NGOs and Risk
A study of how the major humanitarian NGOs perceive, define and manage risks to their organizations and within their partnerships.