The State of the Humanitarian System, 2015 Edition
Commissioned by ALNAP, Humanitarian Outcomes designed the methodology for and researched and wrote the 2010, 2012, and 2015 editions of the State of the Humanitarian System report. This edition synthesises the findings of over 350 formal evaluations and other relevant documents, 340 key informant interviews and surveys of 1,271 aid practitioners (including host-government officials) and 1,189 aid recipients, covering the period 2012–2014.
The humanitarian system’s performance is assessed within its core functions of responding to major sudden-onset emergencies and supporting populations in chronic crisis, as well as its less well-defined roles of humanitarian advocacy and support for resilience. This assessment is made based on standard evaluative criteria for humanitarian action (sufficiency/coverage, relevance/ appropriateness, effectiveness, connectedness, efficiency and coherence).
Suggested Citation
Stoddard, A., Harmer, A., Haver, K., Taylor, G., Harvey, P., (2015). The state of the humanitarian system, 2015 edition. Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), October.