Independent Reviews of the Value Added of CERF in the Horn of Africa Drought Response 2011: Synthesis and Overview
Glyn Taylor
Barnaby Willitts - King
This report synthesizes the findings of four independent country reviews undertaken in 2012 as part of the CERF Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF). Separate reports on Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti were commissioned by the CERF Secretariat in 2012, since one-third of 2011 CERF disbursements were made to these countries as part of the response to the drought crisis in the Horn of Arica in 2011.
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Suggested Citation
Tyler, G., & Willets, B.W. (2012). Independent Reviews of the Value Added of CERF in the Horn of Africa Drought Response 2011: Synthesis and Overview. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), CERF, October.