Independent Review of the Underfunded Emergencies Window of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
The processes behind the CERF Under-Funded Emergencies (UFE) window, and more specifically the country selection processes for CAP and non-CAP countries within it, are fundamentally sound. As such, there is no need to replace or to significantly re-model them. A major reboot of functioning systems would also risk undermining the genuine sense of collaboration and ownership of the process built through the various iterations and adjustments made since its inception. Not least because decisions made by the CERF are required to be immediately defensible, the selection processes provide a solid model for evidence-based funding allocation, worthy of consideration for adoption by donors who operate from a global level analysis. In commissioning this study, however, the CERF secretariat acknowledges that neither process is perfect and should be open to continued improvement.
Suggested Citation
Tyler, G., & Stoddard, A. (2012). Independent Review of the Underfunded Emergencies Window of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), CERF, October