Independent Review of CERF Allocations to Syrian Conflict and Regional Refugee Crisis (Lebanon, Jordan and Syria)

By Glyn Taylor , Edward Rackley

In 2015, the CERF secretariat commissioned independent consultants to review the value added of CERF in the humanitarian response in Iraq (review by Glyn Taylor), the Syria crisis covering Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (review by Glyn Taylor and Edward Rackley) and CERF’s added value to the South Sudan crisis covering South Sudan, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia (review by Jock Baker). The reviews assessed CERF's added value against the indicators of the fund's Performance and Accountability Framework (PAF). The findings from the reviews help humanitarian country teams and the CERF secretariat improve their use of CERF funding.

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Suggested Citation

Tylor, G., & Rackley, E. (2017). Independent  Review of  CERF  Allocations to  Syrian Conflict and Regional Refugee Crisis (Lebanon, Jordan and Syria). OCHA CERF.