Independent Review of the Value Added of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in Colombia
One of a number of country studies for the OCHA administered Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF); evaluating the use of the Fund against the criteria set by the Fund's Performance and Evaluation Framework (PAF).
Colombia is a highly complex context for humanitarian operations and, consequently, for the application of the CERF. Humanitarian needs in Colombia fall into two categories; those primarily related to conflict and those resulting from natural disasters; and each has a distinct set of political sensitivities with central government and separate national response systems. As a single and ostensibly coordinated international system works to respond to both sets of need, the ‘normal’ issues in implementing humanitarian reform are especially challenging.
Suggested Citation
Glyn, T. (2011). Independent Review of the Value Added of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in Colombia. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), CERF, July.