Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance
There is a growing momentum and body of work around the idea of developing stronger links between humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and social protection (SP). This Briefing Paper for CaLP, based on a literature review, a survey, and interviews, is intended to inform CaLP’s overall approach in this area, and subsequently its capacity building and technical assistance work. We examine the different contexts in which efforts are being made to link CVA and SP, the good practices evolving out of these contexts, and the complexity of operating in crisis contexts. A second part of the work, internal to CaLP, provides capacity-building recommendations in this area.
Suggested Citation
Longhurst, D., Harvey, P., Sabetes-Wheeler, R. & Slater, R. (2020). Linking Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance. CaLP.