Humanitarian Access SCORE Report: Tigray, Ethiopia
Under the CORE research programme, supported by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA), Humanitarian Outcomes is studying how aid is delivered in access-constrained conflict areas. In partnership with GeoPoll, the project conducts remote telephone surveys of crisis-affected people on their perceptions of the effectiveness of the aid response and the access challenges in their areas. Combined with key informant interviews with humanitarian responders and other contextual research, the survey results help to identify the humanitarian providers and practices that have achieved the greatest presence and coverage in difficult environments.
This SCORE report features findings from a survey of 614 people in the Tigray region of Ethiopia (49% men, 51% women) conducted between 17 February and 8 March 2021. Live operators for GeoPoll conducted the survey in the Amharic and Tigrinya languages. Humanitarian Outcomes researchers also conducted anonymous interviews with 25 key informants among the humanitarian organisations attempting to reach affected people in Tigray, as well as donor governments. Not all humanitarian organisations working in Tigray agreed to be named in this report.
To read the other SCORE case studies and see survey results from affected populations polled to date, visit the project page here.
Suggested Citation
Stoddard, A., Harvey, P., Breckenridge, M.-J., Czwarno, M. (2021). Humanitarian Access SCORE Report: Ethiopia, Tigray. Humanitarian Outcomes, April.